Privacy Policy

We at MamaWorx (“MamaWorx,” "MWx," “we,” “us,” or “our”) have created this privacy policy (this “Privacy Policy”) because we know that you care about how information you provide to us is used and shared. This Privacy Policy applies to our information collection and use practices: (i) online when you visit any of our websites, including, without limitation,,, and other websites owned by MamaWorx and/or Andrea Olson (the “Websites”); and (ii) offline when you provide information to us.

Capitalized terms not defined in this Privacy Policy shall have the meaning set forth in our Terms of Service.

Acceptance of Terms

By visiting any of our Websites, you are agreeing to the terms of this Privacy Policy and the accompanying Terms of Service, both of which govern your use of the Websites. By providing us information offline, you are also agreeing to the terms of this Privacy Policy.

The Information We Collect

In the course of operating the Websites and/or interacting with you, we will collect (and/or receive) the following types of information.

1. Personal Information.

When you sign up to receive any of our newsletters, respond to a survey, register for a class, or purchase any product or service, you may be required to provide us with personal information about yourself, such as your name, address, email address, and phone number. We do not collect any personal information from Visitors when they use the Websites unless they provide such information voluntarily, such as by registering or sending us an email or signing up for a newsletter. All information we collect and/or receive under this section is collectively called “Personal Information.”

2. Order Information.

When you place an Order, you must provide us with certain information about the products and services you are seeking to purchase. Such information is collectively called the “Order Information.”

3. Billing Information.

When you wish to purchase a product or service, you will be required to provide certain information in addition to the Personal Information and Order Information noted above. Such information may include a debit card number, credit card number, expiration date, billing address, activation codes, and similar information. Such information is collectively called the “Billing Information.” Although we will have access to the Billing Information, it will also be collected and processed by our third-party payment vendors pursuant to the terms and conditions of their privacy policies and terms of use.

4. Other Information.

In addition to the information noted above, we may collect additional information (collectively, the “Other Information”). Such Other Information may include:

a. From You. Additional information about yourself that you voluntarily provide to us (e.g., via a survey), such as household income range, gender, product and service preferences, baby's age, and other information that does not identify you personally.

b. From Your Activity. Information that we automatically collect when you use the Websites, including, without limitation:

  • IP addresses, which may consist of a static or dynamic IP address and will sometimes point to a specific identifiable computer or device; browser type and language; referring and exit pages and URLs; date and time; amount of time spent on particular pages; what sections of the Websites you visit; and similar data; and
  • Information about your device, including the type of device; universally unique ID (“UUID”); advertising identifier (“IDFA”); MAC address; operating system and version (e.g., iOS, Android or Windows); carrier and country location; hardware and processor information (e.g., storage, chip speed, camera resolution, NFC enabled); network type (WiFi, 3G, 4G, LTE); and similar data.

c. From Cookies. Information that we collect using “cookie” technology. Cookies are small packets of data that a website stores on your computer’s or mobile device’s hard drive so that your computer will “remember” information about your visit. We may use both session cookies (which expire once you close your web browser) and persistent cookies (which stay on your computer until you delete them) to help us collect Other Information and to enhance your experience using the Websites. If you do not want us to place a cookie on your hard drive, you may be able to turn that feature off on your computer or mobile device. Please consult your Internet browser’s documentation for information on how to do this and how to delete persistent cookies. However, if you decide not to accept cookies from us, the Websites may not function properly.

d. Third-Party Analytics. We use third-party analytics services (such as Google Analytics) to evaluate your use of the Websites, compile reports on activity, collect demographic data, analyze performance metrics, and collect and evaluate other information relating to the Websites and mobile and Internet usage. These third parties use cookies and other technologies to help analyze and provide us the data. By accessing and using the Websites, you consent to the processing of data about you by these analytics providers in the manner and for the purposes set out in this Privacy Policy.

For more information on Google Analytics, including how to opt out from certain data collection, please visit Please be advised that if you opt out of any service, you may not be able to use the full functionality of the Websites.

e. From Other Sources. We also may collect or receive information from third parties, such as Facebook and/or other third-party social media sites.

Information Collected by or Through Third-Party Advertising Companies

We may share Other Information about your activity on the Websites with third parties for the purpose of tailoring, analyzing, managing, reporting, and optimizing advertising you see on the Websites and elsewhere. These third parties may use cookies, pixel tags (also called web beacons or clear gifs), and/or other technologies to collect such Other Information for such purposes. Pixel tags enable us, and these third-party advertisers, to recognize a browser’s cookie when a browser visits the site on which the pixel tag is located in order to learn which advertisement brings a user to a given site.

Accessing and Modifying Personal Information and Communication Preferences

If you have registered for the Websites, you may access, review, and make changes to your Personal Information, Billing Information, and certain Other Information by following the instructions found on the Websites. In addition, you may manage your receipt of marketing and non-transactional communications by clicking on the “unsubscribe” link located on the bottom of any MamaWorx marketing email. Customers cannot opt out of receiving transactional emails related to their account or their Orders. We will use commercially reasonable efforts to process such requests in a timely manner. You should be aware, however, that it is not always possible to completely remove or modify information in our subscription databases.

How We Use and Share the Information

We use the Personal Information, the Order Information, the Billing Information, and the Other Information (collectively, the “Information”) to provide our services; to process Orders; to administer our rewards and promotional programs; to maintain and improve our Websites and services to you; to solicit your feedback; and to inform you about our products and services and those of our third-party marketing partners.

We may also use and/or share Information as described below.

  • MamaWorx will access, use, and share the Information as required to process your Orders and provide support to you.
  • In order to provide our services and administer our rewards and promotional programs, we may share the Information (excluding the Billing Information) with our third-party promotional and marketing partners, including, without limitation, businesses participating in our various programs.
  • With your permission, third-party applications or services may access your Personal Information. We use standard OAuth (open authorization) to enable you to give permission to share your Personal Information with other websites and services, such as Facebook and Twitter (e.g., when you agree to a pop-up requesting you to allow another application to access your account information). We also use OAuth to allow us to share information about you that is stored by us without sharing your security credentials.
  • We may employ other companies and individuals to perform functions on our behalf. Examples may include providing technical assistance, Order fulfillment, customer service, and marketing assistance. These other companies will have access to the Information only as necessary to perform their functions and to the extent permitted by law.
  • In an ongoing effort to better understand our Visitors, customers, and our products and services, we may analyze the Order Information and Other Information in aggregate form in order to operate, maintain, manage, and improve the Websites and/or our products and services. This aggregate information does not identify you personally. We may share this aggregate data with our affiliates, agents, and business partners. We may also disclose aggregated user statistics in order to describe our products and services to current and prospective business partners and to other third parties for other lawful purposes.
  • We may share some or all of your Information with any of our parent companies, subsidiaries, joint ventures, or other companies under common control with us.
  • As we develop our businesses, we might sell or buy businesses or assets. In the event of a corporate sale, merger, reorganization, sale of assets, dissolution, or similar event, the Information may be part of the transferred assets.
  • To the extent permitted by law, we may also disclose the Information: (i) when required by law, court order, or other government or law enforcement authority or regulatory agency; or (ii) whenever we believe that disclosing such Information is necessary or advisable, for example, to protect the rights, property, or safety of MamaWorx or others.

Information You Share

Please keep in mind that whenever you voluntarily make your Personal Information available to third parties — for example on message boards or web logs; through email; during webinars, classes, telephone conferences, or coaching calls; or in comment or chat areas — that information can be seen, collected, heard, and/or used by others besides us. We cannot be responsible for any unauthorized third-party use of such information.

How We Protect the Information

We take commercially reasonable steps to protect the Information from loss, misuse, and unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration, or destruction. Please understand, however, that no security system is impenetrable. We cannot guarantee the security of our databases, nor can we guarantee that the Information that you supply will not be intercepted while being transmitted to and from us over the Internet. In particular, e-mail sent to or from the Websites may not be secure, and you should therefore take special care in deciding what information you send to us via email.

Important Notice to Non-U.S. Residents

It is important to note that the Websites and their servers are operated in the United States. If you are located outside of the United States, please be aware that any Information you provide to us will be transferred to the United States. By using the Websites and by providing us Information when using our services, you hereby irrevocably consent to this transfer and our use of the Information and data provided by you in accordance with this Privacy Policy.


We do not knowingly collect Personal Information from children under the age of 13 through the Websites. If you are under 13, please do not give us any Personal Information. We encourage parents and legal guardians to monitor their children’s Internet usage and to help enforce our Privacy Policy by instructing their children to never provide Personal Information through the Websites without their permission. If you have reason to believe that a child under the age of 13 has provided Personal Information to us, please contact us, and we will endeavor to delete that information from our databases.

California Residents

MamaWorx does not monitor, recognize, or honor any behavioral advertising opt-out or do not track mechanisms, including general web browser “Do Not Track” settings and/or signals.

External Websites

The Websites may contain links to third-party websites. We have no control over the privacy practices or the content of any of our business partners, advertisers, sponsors, or other websites to which we provide links. As such, we are not responsible for the content or the privacy policies of those third-party websites. You should check the applicable third-party privacy policy and terms of use when visiting any other websites.

On occasion third-party websites will give a financial affiliate reward to MamaWorx as a thank you for sending Visitors to their site. This financial reward does not increase the cost of the end product to the end user on the third-party website, and we strive to only recommend products we've actually used.

Changes to This Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy is effective as of the date stated at the bottom of this Privacy Policy. We may change this Privacy Policy from time to time. By accessing the Websites and/or using our services after we make any such changes to this Privacy Policy, you are deemed to have accepted such changes. Please be aware that, to the extent permitted by applicable law, our use of the Information is governed by the Privacy Policy in effect at the time we collect the Information. Please refer back to this Privacy Policy on a regular basis.

How to Contact Us

If you have questions about this Privacy Policy, please contact us via email at [email protected] with “Privacy Policy” in the subject line.

You agree to this Privacy Policy when you visit and/or make a purchase from and/or any of its related websites owned by MamaWorx and/or Andrea Olson.

Changes to Privacy Policy

MamaWorx reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to change the Privacy Policy under which is offered. The most current version of the Policy will supersede all previous versions. MamaWorx encourages you to periodically review the Policy to stay informed of our updates.

Contact Us

MamaWorx welcomes your questions or comments regarding the Privacy Policy:

441 N Louisiana Ave
Suite P
Asheville, NC 28806

Email Address:
[email protected]

Telephone number:

Effective as of January 01, 2017.


Modification Date: May 25, 2018

Effective Date: June 16, 2018

Hi. Andrea here. Just like you, I care about the use of my personal information online, so it is only fair I provide you with insight into the privacy practices employed here at Particular areas of the world now require different privacy disclosures, so please read the entire policy to make sure you understand our practices fully.

  1. If You are Located In the EU
  2. What Personal Data Do We Collect From You?

Personal data is information that can be used to identify you such as your name, IP address, and email address. As a business, we collect personal data from you in a number of ways including:

(1.) Opt-In To Email Course: Your name and address.

(2.) Waiting List: Your name and address.

(3.) Transaction: You name, email address, billing information and payment source.

(4.) Submitting Questions: Your name, email address, and question.

(5.) Newsletter: Your name and email address.

(6.) Lessons: Your name and email address.

  1. What Is The Purpose of Processing Your Personal Data?

We collect the information above for the following purposes.

(1.) Opt-In To Email Course: To provide you with information on the course in question and the topic in general.

(2.) Waiting List: To let you know when a course or service opens or is closing.

(3.) Transaction: To process a purchase you make with us.

(4.) Submitting Questions: To answer questions you might have for us.

(5.) Newsletter: To send you messages regarding sales and discounts.

(6.) Lessons: To send you lessons you are interested in.

  1. What Legal Basis Do We Have For Collecting and Processing Your Information?

Websites must have a legal basis for collecting information from individuals located in the European Union. Our legal basis for each of the ways we collect information from you is as follows. Please note where consent forms the basis, you can withdraw consent at any time by contacting Andrea Olson opting out of any email message using the “unsubscribe” link.

(1.) Opt-In To Email Course: We will ask for your consent first.

(2.) Waiting List: We will ask for your consent first.

(3.) Transaction: We will collect your information as part of a legal contractual transaction.

(4.) Submitting Questions: We have an allowed legitimate interest in providing a response to your questions and need to use your data to do so. We will not use the data for other purposes.

(5.) Newsletter: We will ask for your consent first.

(6.) Lessons: We will ask for your consent first.

“Legitimate interests” for processing your personal information exist where you submit the information with an expectation that it will be processed and there is no undue impact on you. If you disagree or have questions, please contact Andrea Olson at [email protected] and we will cease the processing of your data under this legal basis.

  1. Who Has Access To The Data We Collect?

We process and access to the data we collect from you. However, we use third parties to assist us with processing your personal data including the following categories of recipients:

  • Financial transaction processors (processing your payments)
  • Customer service communication platform
  • Contest and survey platform
  • Email communication manager
  • Marketing funnel providers
  • Website management services
  • Website design and programming services

These third parties have signed contracts with us in which they are prohibited from utilizing, sharing or retaining your personal data for any purpose other than we dictate.

  1. Cookies and Similar Technologies

This site uses cookies and similar technologies to track particular aspects of you and other people who visit us. This tracking is done to provide us with information on how people move about the site, what is of interest to them and what is not, how our marketing is performing, and incidental items such as what percentage of users access the site from a personal computer versus a mobile phone. You may block most cookies by adjusting your browser settings as well as responding to the cookie consent notice that appears when you visit this site.

  1. How Long Do We Keep Your Data?

We keep your personal data for different periods of time depending on the reason it was gathered in the first place. If we are actively communicating with you we will keep your personal data until you become inactive. If you become inactive, we will discard your personal data based on the following schedule:

(1.) Opt-In To Email Course: 36 months

(2.) Waiting List: 24 months

(3.) Transaction: Four years for tax audit purposes.

(4.) Submitting Questions: Five years

(5.) Newsletter: 36 months

(6.) Lessons: 26 months

If a legal claim arises involving your data, we will store and disclose that data until the matter has resolved.

  1. Your Right To Ask For Corrections, Erasure, And Export Of Your Data

You have the right to control your personal data. Specifically, you have the following rights:

  • The right to be informed: We are informing you now with this policy.
  • The right of access: We’ll provide you with the data we have about you.
  • The right to rectification: Request we fix incorrect data about you.
  • The right to erasure: Request we erase certain data about you.
  • The right to restrict processing: Ask us to restrict certain type of processing of your personal information.
  • The right to data portability: Ask us to provide your personal data we have for export.
  • The right to object: Object to how we use your data.
  • Rights in relation to automated decision making and profiling: We don’t profile you, but keep in mind you have this right with other sites.

To exercise any of these rights, please contact Andrea Olson at [email protected] with your request.

  1. Your Right To Withdraw Consent

Although this is mentioned above, we want to emphasize that wherever we’ve asked for your consent to collect or process your personal data, you have the right to withdraw that consent. If you receive email messages from us, you can use the “unsubscribe” link in each message to withdraw consent and stop the mailings. Alternatively, you can contact Andrea Olson at [email protected] with your request.

  1. Do We Transfer Your Data To Third Countries?

No. We are located in the United States. Your data is collected and held here.

  1. Privacy Concerns, Contacting Us, Complaints.

You can contact Andrea Olson [email protected] with your request with any questions or requests you have about these policies or your personal data. If, after contacting us, you feel a privacy issue has not be resolved, you have the right to file a complaint with a Supervisory Authority such as the Data Protection Commissioner of Ireland.

Data Controller

Representative: Andrea Olson

441 N Louisiana Ave Suite P

Asheville, NC 28806

You can also send correspondence by traditional mail to, 441 N Louisiana Ave, Suite P, Asheville NC 28806

  1. For Our Friends Located In California
  2. Do Not Track Signals.

Pursuant to the California Online Privacy Protection Act, we hereby disclose that we do not currently honor “do not track” signals issued by browsers or other third party sources.

  1. California Eraser Law.

If you are an individual under 18 and have provided personal information or content to us in some manner, you have the right to request the deletion of that information pursuant to the “California Eraser Law.” Contact us to make such a request at [email protected].

III. For All Our Valued Friends Regardless of Location

  1. Privacy Policy Modifications and Updates.

We may update and modify this Privacy Policy at any time. In doing so, we will post a notice on the site 30 days before the change goes into effect.

  1. Legal Disclosures of Personal Information.

We may process, store, and disclose personal information if required to do so by law or in the good-faith belief that such action is necessary to (1) conform to the edicts of the law or comply with legal process served on us, (2) protect and defend our rights or property or (3) act under exigent circumstances to protect the safety of the public or users of the site.

  1. DMCA Disclosures

We comply with the Digital Millennium Copyright Act of 1998. As part of the compliance process, we may be required to disclose whatever information we have for you to a copyright holder who has submitted a complaint to us.

  1. Public Comments.

You may leave comments on blog posts. Please remember that any information you provide is not private. The information can be viewed by anyone online including family, friends, the media, investigators, and potential employers conducting background checks.

  1. Third Party Websites.

We link to other sites, but please keep in mind that we do not control the privacy policies of those sites. Make sure to review the policies of any such sites before providing your personal information.

  1. Sale of Business

Should we sell this site or our business, your personal information will be an asset transferred to the new owner.

If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, please contact us.